February 20, 2020

We are among the top 6 italian farms for innovation and internationalization

Rocco while giving the speech

During the event "Seminiamo il futuro" (Let's sow the future) organized by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture, we were invited to speak with 5 other Italian farms and tell our story and what we are doing. We and the other 5 companies have been selected as virtuous companies for our ability to innovate, internationalize and for our strong link with the territory. Honored to have received this invitation, we obviously accepted with pleasure. The event was attended by the Minister of Agriculture Teresa Bellanova, the general manager of ISMEA Raffaele Borriello, Enrico Corali ISMEA President the president of the ANCI national council Enzo Bianco, the president of the “Con il sud” foundation Carlo Borgomeo, Gianni De Gennaro President by Leonardo, Elisabetta Ripa CEO of Open Fiber and Sara Roversi founder of the Future Food Institute, with the moderation of Maria Latella, speaker of Radio 24


Rocco with the agriculture minister Bellanova

Below there are some links about the event :


link to Rocco's speech (at min. 10 ) Video



Below the video presentation of our estate created by GoGo frames for the Ministry of Agriculture