On Fabruary 24th starting from 8 pm, we will host the event called"tasting and decanting" .“. Durante la serata, alcune specialità curate per l’occasione dallo chef Diego Capriotti, saranno abbinate ad alcuni dei nostri vini. Avremo inoltre il piacere di ospitare il dott. Francesco Annibali to have a chat with him about his latest book "Logica della degustazione del vino' (Mimesis Editions) . During the event it will be possible to purchase the volume directly from the author.

Francesco Annibali is a semiotically trained lecturer and wine journalist; a graduate in Philosophy, a student of Umberto Eco and Eva Picardi, he has been involved in wine education and information for more than twenty years; author of more than 700 articles published in wine magazines ( Cucchiaio d'Argento, Doctorwine, James magazine), and two other books, " Il Verdicchio fra Jesi e Matelica" and " il Linguaggio del vino."
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